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Roche Harbor Airport

Fly into Roche Harbor via our private airport!


Scheduled Flights

Several companies offer regularly scheduled flights from all over the Northwest to Friday Harbor and Roche Harbor.  Kenmore Air is the only one to fly regularly scheduled services from Seattle directly to our resort (via floatplane), and also flies into Friday Harbor.  San Juan Airlines offers daily scheduled service to Roche Harbor Airport and Friday Harbor from Bellingham and Anacortes.

Charter Flights

All of the scheduled-flight airlines operate charters into Roche Harbor and/or Friday Harbor.  Other companies that offer charter-only flights in and out of Roche Harbor: Island Air and Westwind Aviation.

Private Flights into Roche Harbor Airfield

Our airfield is open at your own risk.  Pilots are advised to review this informational document and carry it with you on your flight.  Check out the airfield weather conditions & webcams


Elevation: 100 feet (30m) above mean sea level.

Distance: 3,593 feet long (1,095m)

Width: 30 feet (9m)