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Roche Harbor Recap – February 2022

Greetings from Roche Harbor!  It gives us great pleasure to announce that we are reviving our blog.  We aim to bring unique and personal content to you from our slice of paradise, San Juan Island, WA.  A cornerstone facet of our reinvigorated blog is to present a monthly recap, featuring a variety of images from the goings-on all around the island.  Even if you can’t be with us, we hope to keep you connected through this outlet.

When most people think of winter in the Pacific Northwest, the image of cloudy skies is the first thing to come to mind.  While that may be true to an extent, February typically provides a break from the typical grey atmosphere, instead replaced by a welcome abundance of sunshine.  Though the local ski resorts may not be thrilled about the lack of precipitation, you won’t find anyone around here complaining, especially as the sun goes down.

As part of our plans to get the resort in tip-top shape for the upcoming summer, we have re-seeded the lawn in our Rose Garden.  Though there is lots of exposed soil right now, the recent sunshine has got us off to a great start towards lush blankets of green come springtime.

The entire core of the resort comes alive as the sun goes down.  There are an abundance of lights that come on to show the way through the night, and the crossover period of dusk provides a beautiful atmosphere to take in the scenic setting.  Simply strolling the historic cobblestone “yellow brick road” that spans from the Hotel De Haro to the Company Store on the wharf pier is enough to get anyone’s inner juices flowing.  Can you say “wanderlust”?

Speaking of sunshine,  it’s a great opportunity to get out and about to explore the winter offerings of San Juan Island.  Lucky for us, there’s lots to do and see right in our backyard.  When you live on an island, it can be confusing what is really the “backyard,” but we like to think of it as the vast expanse of water known as the Salish Sea.  A gateway to many wonderful experiences, this liquid highway of adventure has many destinations.  It’s up to its travelers where to let it take them.  Even if you are not one of our many guests that visit by boat, simply launching kayaks at our boat launch is a great way to get on the water on a budget.

If staying on land is more your cup of tea, fear not.  There are many enjoyable activities for those that want to keep solid ground underneath.  A passion of many islanders is viewing the local wildlife, of which there is an abundance of biodiversity.  The winter months bring a variety of migrants from northern regions including sea lions, owls, hawks, and humpback whales.  There are also numerous species that call San Juan Island home all year round such as our iconic red foxes and bald eagles

No matter what is is that you’re after, if it’s a relaxing stay at the resort, adventurous cruise on the water, or chasing after scenic sunsets, there’s something waiting for you here and this time of the year is great to seize the opportunity.

For those willing to give it a shot, taking advantage of the mid-winter sunshine is a rewarding experience.  We invite you to join us this “off-season” if you have not already.  It’s a calm, low-key atmosphere around the resort and the perfect way to take in the island environment without any of the summer crowds.

Wildlife, scenery, sunsets.  It’s all here.  Are you ready to see for yourself?