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Safety at Roche Harbor

Roche Harbor Employees, Guests, Residents and Stakeholders,

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact everyone.   Unfortunately, we will all have to continue making significant changes in our daily behavior until the crisis is over.  Excellent sanitation, personal behavior, social distancing and isolation of patients are the only currently effective ways to address this disease.   No one really likes any of these changes, but they are the only effective treatment we have until a vaccine or cure.

You may wonder “How will you make us as safe as possible?” Below is the brief outline of our amended operations.  Of course, all of this could change with very short notice.

The Governor released Washington’s Phased Approach – Reopening Business and Modifying Physical Distancing Measures.  This is a 4 phased plan that sets guidelines and provides some date guidance.  Roche Harbor is following these phases and San Juan County’s implementation of the State’s phased reopening plan.  Below is our general plan for operations under the phased plan.  Please recognize the dates are entirely subject to continuing improvements in Washington State’s COVID-19 case rates.


In addition to this Phased Operating Plan.  Roche Harbor has implemented a wide range of extensive cleaning, sanitation, staff health and training, and operational changes.  Here is a brief outline:

  • Cleaning and Sanitation – Extra attention and hourly checklist-based cleaning and sanitation on all frequently touched surfaces resort wide. We are following the American Hotel & Lodging Association “Safe-Stay” guidelines.
  • Staff Health Check and training – We have daily health checks of all staff including temperature and symptom reviews. All staff have been and continue to be tested for COVID-19.
  • Operational Changes –  We follow all advised standards for each department’s operations.  These are based on mandated State and existing industry guidelines. There are visible changes to seating, queuing and densities.
  • Distancing and Group limitations. Roche Harbor is oriented around the gathering of friends and family; these changes have a significant impact on how it “feels”Significant elements include:
    • Future limitations of private group gatherings in Phase 3 to no more than 50 people
    • Suspension of larger group events until Phase 4.

We are in this together.

Roche Harbor is committed to providing a safe environment and operation, and a great experience for guests and employees.  Our ‘sense of place’ comes not just from the place, but from all of you who have given so much for so many years.  The coming weeks, months and year will be a great challenge to us all.

Roche Harbor is overwhelmingly grateful for your years of support.


Brent Snow, General Manager